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DIY Fixing A Leaky Roof

DIY Tips For Fixing A Leaky Roof

Posted by on 6 Jun 2016

A leaky roof can be frightening, especially when you consider the costly damage it can cause to your house. Any water that gets through your roof can rot the framing, destroy drywall or plaster, cause mould, and possibly let in insects and birds if the hole widens.

Using buckets to collect the infiltrating water is not a solution. You need to deal with the damaged roof. In some cases, fixing the leak can be as simple as applying roofing cement to a clearly visible hole. But at other times, you will have to spend some time diagnosing the problem and weighing the advantages of repairing versus replacing the roof.

As you weigh your options, you need to clean any leak damage before it leads to mildew and rot, and then fix the leak with some professional assistance where necessary, such as when you must buy replacement materials. Here are a few DIY tips:

Find the source of the leak

This requires some actual detective work. Start by checking for any internal signs of leakage, such as water in the attic or ceiling spots so you can know where to look on the roof. Possible causes of the leak include cracks, tears, or rot in the roofing material, as well as gaps around vents, flashing, skylights, and chimneys.

If it has been a long time since you last inspected your roof, this would be a good time to assess the overall structure. Check every brick, plank, board, or whatever else your roof is made of. This will help you determine the extent of repair required, and whether a roof replacement would be a better option.

Fix the leaks

If you have a solid roof, fix any cracks and blisters immediately using roof cement. Find a sharp tool to cut off the cracked section, and then fill it up with the cement. The leak will be completely sealed.

Replace damaged shingles

Following your assessment of the roof, you should be able to identify shingles that need replacement. Any pieces that are curled up or come off easily should be replaced.

To do this, remove the old shingle and scrape off any roof cement that may be left under it. Using a utility knife put the new shingle in place and smooth it down properly.

Repair damaged connections

If the source of the leak is an area with a connection, remove the damaged caulk, clean the area, and dry it completely. Get a new tube of caulk, cut off the tip, and put it along the same line. Work it into the crack and let it dry. Check that all holes are plugged, that the area around the connections is not damaged, and that it can keep functioning even with some degree of wear and tear.

When you are done, do another checkup to ensure that there is no other roof damage, and then clean your entire home. If the damage is too much, or you can’t fix the roof yourself, you can find an inexpensive repair company to fix the problem in no time.

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